Sunday, August 2, 2009

Almost a Yuppie, Part III

In conclusion (please see parts one and two), I'd say it can be helpful to avoid many things to focus on the one important thing. Art for example. Or just living your life with a few real friends and loved ones, rather than a gazillion avatars.

Artists invariably make choices away from some things and towards others. Sure, everyone does this, but if you want to be an artist, you need to make sacrifices. Artists have to be good editors, particularly in their work and of their work, but also in other aspects of their lives, such as where, how and with whom they live.

In addition, what I'm saying is that some of these so-called sacrifices - like not having the money to buy the latest and greatest gizmo - are, in fact, blessings. Clearing the way, you might say. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

As Agnes Martin says in an excellent documentary of the same title, "with my back to the world."

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