Friday, June 19, 2009

Tuk-Tuk Fever

It's twenty years since I was in Bangkok, but I remember those wild, sickly-sweet-smelling, blue smoke-wreathed rides through the throbbing, skittering streets like it was yesterday.  It's downright fun to blast around bits of Southeast Asia in something like a shower stall strapped to a moped.  Tuk-tuk fever!

Pic from Scott Westerfield's 
Westerblog. Some of his more blurry shorts give you a sense of what it's like to ride in a tuk-tuk.  And check out Tuk Tuk North America, where you'll find some cool custom tuk-tuks, like a tiny dump truck.  Also recommended is the book Tuk Tuk to the Road, by Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent and Jo Huxster, who drove a tuk-tuk from Bangkok to England for charity.

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